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Product cover

Fall 2024

Articles included in this issue:

The Four Guardrails That Enable Agility
By Nick van der Meulen

A Better Way to Unlock Innovation and Drive Change
By Diya Kapur Misra, Linda A. Hill, Gaurav Laroia, and Christiane Hamacher

Build the Right C-Suite Team for Your Strategy
By Marianna Zangrillo, Thomas Keil, and Benedetto Vigna

What Makes Companies Do the Right Thing?
By N. Craig Smith and Markus Scholz

The Three Traps That Stymie Reinvention
By Ryan Raffaelli

Make Smarter Investments in Resilient Supply Chains
By Walid Klibi, Kai Trepte, and James B. Rice Jr.

Where To Next? Opportunity on the Edge
By Emily S. Block and Viva Ona Bartkus

Do You Really Need a Chief AI Officer?
By Michael Wade, Anja Lagodny, Ann-Christin Andersen, Corinne Avelines, and Achim Plueckebaum

How to Turn Professional Services Into Products
By Mohanbir Sawhney

Make a Stronger Business Case for Sustainability
By Karel Cool, Atalay Atasu, and Nathan Furr

Avoiding Harm in Technology Innovation
By Tania Bucic and Gina Colarelli O’Connor

The Chevron Doctrine Is Dead. What Are the Implications for Business?
By David Zimmer

Beating ‘Not Invented Here’ Syndrome
By Rolf-Christian Wentz

When Generative AI Meets Product Development
By Tucker J. Marion, Mahdi Srour, and Frank Piller

Managing the Human Risks of Biometric Applications
By Andrew Park, Jayson Killoran, and Jan Kietzmann

Why You Should Tap Innovation at Deep-Tech Startups
By Stefan Raff, Fiona E. Murray, and Martin Murmann

How Workplace Safety Improves Performance
By David Michaels

Would You Invite Employees to Vote on Strategic Direction?
By Alexander Loudon

Ask Sanyin: How Can I Turn Around a Difficult Work Relationship?
By Sanyin Siang

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