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Executing Successful Change Management

Changing the direction of a company or a project can be a harrowing process, because it often means changing management practices and methods. Many people resist change, particularly if it challenges their day-to-day work life. This collection of articles from MIT Sloan Management Review examines strategies around how to do change right, from agile management processes to creating new cultures as an intentional effort to starting the implementation in areas of the organization with the highest cultural readiness.

Articles included with this collection:

Changing How We Think About Change by B. Tom Hunsaker, Richard Ettenson, and Jonathan Knowles

Building Digital-Ready Culture in Traditional Organization by George Westerman, Deborah L. Soule, and Anand Eswaran

Creating Management Processes Built for Change by Christopher G. Worley, Thomas Williams, and Edward E. Lawler III

What Makes Change Harder — or Easier by Markus Spiegel, Theresa Schmiedel, and Jan vom Brocke

Navigating the Politics and Emotions of Change by Ellen R. Auster and Trish Ruebottom

The Art of Strategic Renewal by Andy Binns, J. Bruce Harreld, Charles O’Reilly III and Michael L. Tushman

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