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Holding Your Organization (and Yourself) Accountable

Leaders grapple with bringing accountability into everything they do, for both internal audiences and the wider community of stakeholders.

Articles included with this collection:

Investing For a Sustainable Future by Gregory Unruh, David Kiron, Nina Kruschwitz, Martin Reeves, Holger Rubel, Alexamder Meyer Zum Felds

The Pitfalls of Project Status Reporting by Mark Keil, H. Jeff Smith, Charalambos L. Iacovou and Ronald L. Thompson

The Question Every Project Team Should Answer by Karen A. Brown, Nancy Lea Hyer and Richard Ettenson

Is Your Company Ready for HR Analytics? by Bart Baesens, Sophie De Winne, and Luc Sels

Why Making Money Is Not Enough by Ratan Tata, Stuart L. Hart, Aarti Sharma and Christian Sarkar

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